Great Start!
It’s been all smiles as we reunited for the start of the school year. Lots of familiar faces, a few new ones, and everyone back into working hard as a team. As we mentioned in the last edition, we welcomed Sienna Fallon and Raven Bendersky to the team, bringing with them experience and enthusiasm.
Speaking of which, at Lord Howe Island Central School, we are always Polite, Positive, and Productive, and it’s been a joy to watch everyone use those values in everything they do, every day. Well done to you all!

Discovery Day
Although an Island-wide celebration didn’t happen this year, Lord Howe Island Central School took the opportunity to recognise and celebrate Discovery Day in our own way. We studied the history of the day at school and at the Museum, we participated in a range of fun events, such as sack races, three-legged races, slow bike races, tug of war, face painting, and more, and joined our beautiful families for a community picnic at the Playground. It was a terrific day enjoyed by all!
A special thanks to Ian and the Museum team, Chilli for the fantastic face painting, Anna for the wonderful watermelon, and to our very own Bronwyn for making the day a reality!

Upcoming Events
There is a lot happening in Term 1, so just as a heads up for the community:
- School Photos on March 10
- NAPLAN assessments from March 12 24
- Swimming carnival on March 14 (weather permitting)
- Parent/teacher meetings on April 8
- End of Term Assembly and Easter Hat Parade on April 10
Jokes of the Month
To start the year in style, I got a new pen that can write under water. It can write other words too.
Q: Where do rainbows go when they’ve been bad?
A: To prism, so they have time to reflect on what they’ve done.
Last thought
There is no one alive that is you-er than you!
(Dr Seuss).