At Lord Howe Island Central School, we’ve had a wonderful start to Term 3, although a very busy one!
Public Education Week
It was lovely to see so many of our family members join their children at school to celebrate Public Education Week. A nice picnic in the sunshine, open classrooms, smiling faces, and the odd bit of handball, showing that just like our kids, our wider community are also proud to belong to our great school!
Bullying No Way!
Our school came together during August in a show of purple to make a stand against bullying. At LHICS, everyone belongs, everyone is special, and there is no place for bullying! Ever!
Hitting the Big Time!
If you haven’t already seen it, LHICS hit the news recently with a lovely story aired on the ABC NSW News bulletin and ABC Digital
Very proud of our little school!
Young Historians
Our K-2 class learned about local history and what life was like “in the old days” on a visit to the Museum last week. With Ian Hutton leading the way, our kids explored old movies, exhibits, and artefacts in a fun and interactive way – and were especially grossed out by the chamber pot (or guzunder)!
Questacon Comes to Lord Howe
Over the past few weeks, our kids have delighted in interacting with and learning from activities from Canberra institution, Questacon, testing our science and puzzle solving skills along the way. A very special shout-out goes to our hard-working and generous P&C for bringing this fun and engaging opportunity to Lord Howe Island Central School!
Jokes of the Month
My friend claims he glued himself to his autobiography. I don’t believe him, but that’s his story and he’s sticking to it.
And one more with a Book Week dress-up twist….
My boss said, “dress for the job you want, not for the job you have.” So, I went in as Batman.
On a roll!!
Q: What do you call a sheep who can sing and dance?
A: Lady Ba Ba
Last thought
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
(J.K. Rowling)