About The Lord Howe Island Signal
Stephen Sia took the helm of The Signal eight years ago, fostering a community-driven approach where locals contribute news, articles, images, and stories. Stephen curates local news, and there's an emphasis on the digital version to keep readers engaged.
Originating in 1954, the publication experienced a brief hiatus before resuming. It operates more as a community service than a commercial venture, offering Stephen considerable fulfillment. Crucially, it empowers island residents, chronicling their history and daily life, thereby serving as a democratic platform and a historical archive.
Stephen Sia
Editor and owner of The Lord Howe Island Signal independent newspaper.
Email: thesignal2898@gmail.com
The Signal is proudly published 12 times per year by The Signal Pty Ltd. The Signal is designed, printed and distributed from Lord Howe Island. The Signal is a community newspaper and happily accepts all offers of stories, photos and art. However, we cannot guarantee in which issue the submission will appear and we won’t publish content that is offensive. The views expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily those of other contributors, the editors or publishers.