Not having a ship for six weeks means we must make do with what we have. Some are struggling, but others (especially the older generation), have dealt with it from days gone by. Before the new wharf was constructed in the early 1980s (and our fortnightly shipping service began) the island could often be without a ship for 6-8 weeks.
As a result, many Islanders tended to be creative cooks and came up with interesting dishes which had ingredients readily available like green papaya salad, Tahitian fish salad and banana cream pie.
Living on an isolated island drives self-sufficiency. I find solitude is one gift that can be cultivated. Surrounded by natural beauty and a vast ocean, we can work on being content and happy with our inner selves.
The lack of noise and human activities around us means many locals and visitors can find time spent on the Island both healthy and enriching for themselves and their families. We can learn to see something positive in every challenging situation.
ED. Stephen

Stephen Sia on Lord Howe Island